An Overpack is an enclosure used by a single consignee to provide protection or convenience in handling a package, or consolidate two or more packages.
An Overpack is used to contain a smaller non-leaking package. The integrity of the inner package has not been breached and the performance of the entire package still meets DOT requirements. The DOT does not view an Overpack as a Salvage Drum.
Drum Spill Overpacks With Lids are made of chemical, corrosion and weather resistant polyethylene for long lasting durability and dependability. Available in variety of styles and popular brands to provide storage, transportation, cleanup and spill containment. Lightweight and nestable designs allow for easy storage when not in use. Includes securable lid in many styles. Drum barrel and other material handling supplies also available.
Standard types are Lab Pack and Overpacks, Recycled , Wheeled Overpacks and more. Capacities available from 10 gallons up to 110 gallons. Color finishes are normally Black and Yellow. Overall dimensions and certifications vary per type of container.
Lab Packs – for use with smaller non-damaged bottles, cans, carboys and 5 gallon pails of non-leaking hazardous materials – if leaking, must pack with sufficient sorbents for – NO FREE LIQUIDS
Over Packs – for use with larger non-damaged containers, cans and drums of non-leaking hazardous materials – if leaking, must pack with sufficient sorbents for – NO FREE LIQUIDS
Applications Include:
- Overpacking of damaged or leaking packages
- Collection and transport of soiled sorbents
- Clean-up of contaminated sites
- Emergency response and decontamination
- Direct containment and transport of hazardous solids
- Spill kits
Related Products. Salvage Drums, Dangerous Goods Packaging, Drum Handling and More