Selecting Steel And Poly Drums & Pails | Clean It Up
Drum And Industrial containers Can Be Complex.
7A Type A Drums
- Carbon Steel Drums
- Poly Drums
- Poly and Steel Pails
- Fiber Drums
- IBC’s
- Containers for Dangerous Goods
- Hazmat Containers
- Mil-Spec Drums
- Nitric Drums
- Salvage Drums
- Seamless Drums
- Stainless Steel Drums
- TIH (PIH) Overpack Drum
- Lab Packs, Overpacks and Salvage Drums
To name just a few

55 Gallon containers are by far the most common in North America and Europe for the shipping or storage of chemicals and petroleum. Some Basic questions:
– What’s going into the container?
– Is it for storage or shipping to another location?
– Is it hazardous?
– Is food grade required?
– Is it liquid or solid?
– Can a reconditioned drum be used?
– Is carbon steel, stainless steel, fiber or plastic required?
– Closed head or open head?
– Is a UN rating required?
– Is a bolt ring or lever lock ring required
– Are fittings required in the lid?
– What size container is preferable?
Sizes of any container type vary and can range from quart cans to 110 gallon steel or poly drums and more. Within each container type, there are many options, sizes, configurations and variations to select from to meet a specific requirement. Here are a some popular size examples:
Examples of Steel Drum Sizes
- 8 gal Steel drum
- 30 gal steel drum
- 40 gal steel drum
- 55 gal steel drum
- 45 imperial gal steel drum
- 205 liter steel drum
- 85 gal steel drum
- 110gal steel drum
Examples of Steel Salvage Drums
85 Gal steel drum
110 gal steel drum
Hazardous waste containers
HazMat Containers
HazMat Drums
Spill Containers
Examples of Poly Drum Types
14 gal poly drum
15 gal poly drum
20 gal poly drum
30 gal poly drum
35 gal poly drum
55 gal poly drum
Poly Salvage Drums, Lab Pack Drums, steel pails, poly pails, specialty drums and pails and much more are available to meet specific applications.
Storing and/or Shipping containers requires a thorough knowledge of the liquids or solids being placed in containers and very importantly if they are designated as covered under the code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s).
Help for companies shipping products that are regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT): The U.S. Department of Transportation offers businesses and shippers free personal help with questions about hazardous materials shipments.
The DOT Hazardous Materials Information Center can be reached by phone, toll-free nationwide at 800-467-4922. The center is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
Additional resources – contact us when we can be of assistance
– As winter approaches, make sure you have enough drum heaters
– Beware of new pallet regulations if you’re shipping products overseas
– Blanket-style heaters available for plastic IBCs
– Can the Ergo-Pak Overpack be used to ship UN regulated pails?
– DOT adds field inspectors to regulate HAZMAT packagers, shippers
– DOT continues to crack down on drums that aren’t properly torqued
– DOT hotline will answer your HAZMAT questions
– DOT info line clears up questions about HAZMAT shipments
– DOT now requires more detailed instructions for U.N. containers
– DOT requires detailed closing instructions for UN containers
– Don’t overlook HAZMAT regulations when shipping small amounts
– Do you know the three elements required to cause an explosion?
– Do ‘design testing’ requirements apply if refurbishers replace an IBC valve?
– EPA’s new rule may affect drum manufacturers and refurbishers
– Even if a drum looks empty, proper closure may be required
– Even your data entry people may need HAZMAT training
– Federal agency clarifies salvage drum regulations
– Gasket can make or break shipment
– Government agency steps up HAZMAT training and enforcement
– HAZMAT violation penalties increased
– Hazardous material spills don’t always result in penalties
– How to choose the proper safety cabinet for your specific needs
– How to choose the right corrugated box for shipping
– New high-tech closure system offers better protection
– Products help companies comply with storm water management law
– Static electricity can cause deadly explosions — and it’s all around you
– There’s an easier way to close a salvage drum than using a bolt ring
– Time is running out for complying with EPA’s spill prevention plan
– Tips to make sure your UN-regulated shipments are labeled properly
– UPS, FedEx have different rules for shipping hazardous materials
– Foolproof torque wrenches prevent overtightening
– The truth about Salvage Drums
Note: For a good foundation of knowledge about drums, there is a Drum School available online at:
Myers Containers Hazmat Training
Details listed here are for general information and use in selecting the right container for your operations. Please contact Clean It Up to discuss your specific application.