At Clean It Up we work jointly to develop strong partnerships with our customers, enabling us to interact collaboratively to find best available technology solutions to operational challenges. Take a look at our case studies to find out more about how we can help and serve your business.
Challenge: In 1998 A major metropolitan city was experiencing very high costs outlays to dispose of soils contaminated with hydraulic oils leaked from the city’s truck fleets.
It was calculated that a solution could save the city millions over time.
Solution: City environmental resources staff contacted Clean It Up after learning of our bio-remediation solutions at a seminar and trade show at a local Air Force Base. Extensive technical discussions ensued. A thorough analysis of the entire process from spill through to soil remediation was undertaken.
A decision was made to establish a “Profile”. Hydrocarbon testing was done on samples of contaminated soils that had been encapsulated in our Clean It Up Oil Sponge product, establishing a base line petroleum characteristic. Following laboratory analysis, a 30 day bio-remediation period was undertaken to establish efficacy. Following this period, samples of remediated soils were again sent to the laboratory. The results were spectacular, TPH levels had reduced to 137ppm in a little over 30 days. The significance was that the results indicated a Non-Detect or below detection levels or ND “non-detected” and therefore non-hazardous.
The completed information package was submitted to the State Department of Environmental Quality for a “Waste Review”.It was determined that this procedure or protocol satisfied all requirements as a “non-hazardous waste”.
Result: The city has been using this bio-remediation protocol since 1998 to very positive financial effect estimated at over $50,000. annually. It reduces the chain of haz-waste custody and it eliminated third party handling of wast to a disposal facility.
The city is very pleased with the ongoing benefits for everyone involved.
Industrial Oil Spill