Skimmers for Industrial Coolant and Oils
The most cost effective way of removing oil from water since 1968—our skimmers have been serving our clients around the world with oil skimmers for a variety of applications; from local job shops to industry giants, from 1 gph to 200 gph, from food processors to remediation to metal mills and beyond.
Oil Skimmer Advantage

Drum Skimmer
- Rugged, reliable and low maintenance.
- Proven in thousands of oil skimming applications.
- Most inexpensive way to remove oil from water.
- Saves coolants by removing tramp oil.
- Conserve parts wash water by removing oily wastes.
- Prevents plugging of spray heads and filters.
- Oil skimmers that remove from 1 gph to 200 gph.
- Reduces fluid disposal costs.
- Skimmed oil can be recycled and reused as a lubricant or fuel.
- Helps meet government requirements for water discharge.
- Oil Skimmers to fit in almost any application.
- Most products ship in 24 hours.
- 30-day money back guarantee on Coolant Maintenance Oil Skimmers.
Oil and Water Don’t Mix
Typical Applications for Industrial Oil Skimmers
- Choosing an Appropriate Oil Skimmer
- Different Types of Oil Skimmers
- Specifying an Abanaki Oil Skimmer for your Application
- Choosing the Right Belt Material for your Abanaki Oil Skimmer
- Optional Equipment
Contact us for a selection guide for types of skimmers and for assistance in selecting the right skimmer for your industry and application.
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