Drum Liners and Pail Liners

We offer nearly 100 standard drum liner, pail liner and bucket liner items, and countless custom bags. Let us help determine which is correct, because you shouldn’t have to guess about which is the Right Drum Liner, Pail or Bucket Liner for your application!
Why use a Liner in the first place? An empty drum or pallet that’s clean inside is way easier to reuse or dispose than one that has leftover goo in it. Besides, you paid for all that valuable product – don’t you want to get all of it out? And, if you’re using drums or pails for batch mixing, a liner makes that expensive container usable over and over; just change the liner!
Straight Bottom Liners are the most common type. They’re just like giant sandwich bags with a straight heat-sealed seam at the bottom. Advantage: lowest cost. Drawback: the straight seam at the bottom creates folds and pockets as it conforms to the round bottom of the container. Product can get trapped and is more difficult to remove. For liquids, choose a shorter liner that folds back over the top of the container and works with a separate cover disc. For thick liquids or dry products, choose a tie-top liner.
Round Bottom Liners are flexible film with a circular welded bottom seam that fits the container perfectly, so the liner installs easier and the product comes out much easier. There’s less strain on the liner, too, so there’s less chance of a leak. Round bottom bags are also available in heavier gauge plastic for even more durability.
Molded Liners are one-piece seamless, so there’s no chance of a leak. They are made to closely fit the container, and they’re semi-rigid, so they’re easy to install and they stay put. They have a molded-in lip that keeps the liner in place during filling.
Pumping Product From Your Drums? If your pump has a follower plate, stay away from bag-type liners. the follower plate pushes down on heavier fluids like grease, and helps the pump operate more efficiently. Trouble is, the plate can tear the bag, and a high powered pump can suck a bag right into the pump. Ugh…the cleanup and repair will not be pretty. Use a molded liner instead.

Poly Sheeting
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is the most common material for bag-type liners. It’s made with FDA-approved resin, so it’s great for food, water-based liquids and other mild products. But it won’t hold up with solvents, and you shouldn’t fill product at temperatures of more than 120° F.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) offers broader chemical compatibility and somewhat more heat resistance.
Polypropylene (PP) increases chemical resistance even more and permits hot-filling up to 300° F.
Anti-Static Liners and UN-Type containers: If you use a liner with a UN-Specification drum that was not originally certified with that liner, you should know that this invalidates the drum manufacturer’s certification.
With so many choices, you need expert advice to pick the Right Drum, Pail or Bucket Liner, and Clean It Up Delivers.
No matter what your product or package, we’ll help you get the liners you need to get your job done right. We have years of experience in the drum biz, and the best trained and most knowledgeable customer service people.
** Ask About our Pail and Drum Rubber Bands to Hold liner in place while filling.
Clean It Up is a leader in the supply of liners for transporting industrial waste, we provide quality liner products and on time delivery at a reasonable cost.
Related Liner Products: Drum Liners, Barrel & Drum Linings, Plastic Liners, Tank Liners, Box Liners, Rubber Liners, Carton Liners, Basket Liners, Gaylord Liners, Form Liners, Anti-Static Liners, Pail Liners, Paper Liners, Cargo Liners, FIBC Liners, Cap Liners, Liquid Liners, Fabric Liners.
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