Are your shipments by air protected? If not, you might be at risk. The DGR manual can be ordered now.
The global reference for shipping dangerous goods by air and the only reference recognized by the world’s airlines in regular or spiral bound format. Each copy also includes a free Quick Reference Card.
More: IATA Dangerous Goods RegulationsWhat It Is
The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations is an easy-to-use manual based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. It incorporates additional operational requirements, which provide a harmonized system for operators to accept and transport dangerous goods safely and efficiently on all commercial air transport.
Who Is Responsible For It
IATA is an international trade body, created over 60 years ago by a group of airlines. Today, IATA represents some over 200 airlines comprising 84% of total air traffic. The organization also represents, leads and serves the airline industry in general.
What It Says
Dangerous goods can be transported safely by air transport provided certain principles are strictly followed. Packaging is the essential component in the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations provide packing instructions for all dangerous goods acceptable for air transport with a wide range of options for inner, outer, and single packagings. The packaging instructions normally require the use of UN performance-tested specification packagings, however these are not required when dangerous goods are shipped in Limited Quantities under the provisions of Limited Quantity “Y” Packing Instructions. The quantity of dangerous goods permitted within these packagings is strictly limited by the Regulations so as to minimize the risk should an incident occur.
Where To Find It
You can find more information about IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations at
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