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At Clean It Up we work jointly to develop strong partnerships with our customers, enabling us to interact collaboratively to find best available technology solutions to operational challenges. Take a look at our case studies to find out more about how we can help and serve your business.
Challenge: A global industrial producer operating 24/7 was experiencing a disposal issue of lightweight hazardous waste product that became easily airborne and the current disposal method was no longer tenable.
Plant engineers determined that some type of total enclosure or encapsulation method could be a long term remedy.
Solution: Their contracted waste hauler was tasked with locating a problem solver. They connected with Clean It Up with this urgent requirement, we immediately worked with them on short and long term solutions. Best available products were immediately shipped to them in the form of Roll Off Dumpster Bladder Bags for testing and evaluation.
This product solution worked very well but was not yet at the level of the ideal technology required to put this issue to rest. To complicate matters, the lead-time to produce and deliver the ultimate solution was difficult at best at present. Clean It Up requested that customer plant engineers provide a drawing for what they believed should be modified to the current bladder bag system. We also promised to work to ensure they would always have current bladder bags until the new custom solution was delivered, tested and implemented.
Result: Within 36 hours the drawing was received, evaluated by the bladder Bag production Team and returned to the customer for first stage approval. The initial order for custom or modified bladder bags was received, processed and production scheduled.